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A Message from Children from Eco-Schools


Together with Tegeta Green Planet, the organization Keep Georgia Tidy (KGT) offers pupils to participate in an important environmental activity and take part in the creation of special signs that point our fellow citizens to necessary environmental actions.

The competition was launched on April 7, World Health Day, reminding the public once again that environmental problems are closely related to the health of each of us, and the development of environmental habits is one of the most important conditions for a healthy life.

The rules for participating in the contest are simple: every school student in Georgia who wants to contribute to the creation of a greener and healthier environment should come up with a message on the given work topics that can easily be turned into a road sign. Along with the message, the participant can additionally draw an eco-pupil who will convey environmental messages to others.

For additional ideas and gasping working topics more closely, all participants are invited to visit KGT environmental portal – Ecolog ( and Tegeta-Green Planet (

Participation in the competition is individual. Participants should send their works to by May 15, 2023. When sending the work, the author must indicate the name, surname, age, and the name of an educational institution.

Authors of the best messages will be awarded with special prizes.

Working topics of the competition:

  • Litter Reduction - signs that encourage us not to litter the environment;

  • Protecting Biodiversity - signs that remind us that caring for nature is vital;

  • Waste Reduction and Recycling – signs that indicate the need for reasonable consumption.

  • "Tegeta - Green Planet" special nomination, which focuses on the importance of specific waste recycling. The topics of this nomination are Tire, motor oil, and battery recycling.

Hereby reminding, that one of the main directions of KGT is the development of environmental knowledge and skills among schoolchildren.

Therefore, in 2020, KGT became the local representative of the International Environmental Education Foundation (FEE), and in cooperation with KGT introduced the international Eco-Schools program to Georgian schools. The project is implemented with the financial support of the Swedish government, also involving local and international partners, and in close cooperation with the Ministries of Environment and Agriculture, the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Center for Environmental Information and Education.

"Tegeta Green Planet" is a company included in Tegeta Holding, whose main activity is related to the promotion of proper management of specific waste. The company is responsible for fulfilling the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), which includes the accountability of the producer and importer for its own product placed on the market and at the post-consumer stage of the placed product, during the full life cycle of the product.

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